
These blogs are inspiring to me for a variety of reasons.  Some tug at my heart, make me laugh, teach me, inspire me to be a better mother, friend, photographer, human being.  Whatever the reason, I am thankful for the world of technology that we live in that allows me to connect with people and stories I would otherwise not have the opportunity. 

Under The Sycamore - My first stop each morning to go is Ashley's blog - it's warm and inviting - I love the pictures she shares of her family, her transparent words, her BIG heart for God and others.  She is an inspiration!

The Macs - Mama Jess writes of the adventures of her boys, Levi & Griffin (and newested addition Jake) and life on the farm.  The story that brought me to her blog was that of her daughter Cora who passed away at 11 months from cancer.  Have tissues on hand as you read Cora's story, you will need them.  Jess' strength in hard times and her words of encouragement are so powerful.  I greatly enjoy checking in on updates of her adorable boys!

Kerianne Brown Photography - She does a photo a day for her son Will and her newest little guy Wes.  Her newborn and children photography is so inspiring.  The angles she uses and the innocence she captures is breathtaking. 

Team Studer - Awesome mother Tabitha makes me laugh as she recounts stories of her son Grey and new little bundle of joy Gem.  Her blog is the home of "25 Rules for Mothers of Sons" which is how I came to discover her blog.

Dear Scarlet - A love letter from her parents to her; the English major in me loves this idea and it is so sweet to see Scarlet's personality in the pictures and videos they post.

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