Thursday, October 30, 2014

Halloween Fun - A look back

2014 marks Alex's 4th Halloween, 3rd that he's dressing up.

He is Thomas the Tank Engine this year.  He declared that back in the summer and stood firm in his decision

Here's a look back at the last 3 years of Halloween fun....looking forward to making more memories tomorrow and hopefully some wonderful pictures.

2011 - 1st Halloween - 2 1/2 months old

2012 - 2nd Halloween - 1st one Dressing Up - 14 1/2 months
Winnie the Pooh

2013 - 3rd Halloween - 2 years 2 months
Jake the Pirate from Jake & The Neverland Pirates
This was the first year he had any opinion on what he wanted to be.  He decided Jake months before Halloween and was the one to find it in the Halloween store (Mommy & Daddy couldn't find it!)
He insisted on the wig too, couldn't do Jake without his hair.  When the wind would blow, he'd grab it to keep it from blowing away.  He's a "go big or go home" kind of kid - just like his Daddy.

I can't wait for tomorrow to see him in all his Thomas the Tank Engine glory.  Happy Halloween!

Monday, August 11, 2014




You got your 3rd haircut of your LIFE today.  There was a little boy screaming like a banshee in the chair next to you - which freaked you out - but you didn't cry or act out - you just kept looking at him with a "what's wrong with him?" look.

One part of your haircut routine is that you always wants me to hold your hand, under the cape, while she cuts your hair (the clippers tickle you).  Since you know you have to sit still and can’t turn your head, I think it’s your little way of knowing I’m right there.  And it has to be me, Daddy is not good enough, it’s gotta be Mommy (which makes me feel so special / important / loved).

Thank you for being my little boy and for needing me for the big and little things.  I hope that you will always know that I will ALWAYS be there for you.  I love you peanut.  I can't believe you're going to be 3 years old in a week!

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

August 2014 - Update

It's been quite a while since I've posted anything on here, but it's a new month and I'm hoping to change that.

Life has been all kinds of crazy and hectic lately.  The good kind of busy filled with warm nights at the playground, walks around the neighborhood and weekends filled with celebrations and good quality time with friends.

The next celebration on the horizon is Alex's 3rd Birthday!!!  He is so EXCITED about his birthday this year - so much more aware of the whole situation.  He LOVES singing Happy Birthday at his friends parties - it's his absolute favorite part of the party - he practices singing it (inserting person's name into song) on the way there and eagerly awaits the time to belt it out!

I LOVE planning his party.  It's the only party I get to really do each year so I'm in my happy place deciding all the details (I'm a details person).  The party invitations are out, it took me months of trolling through Etsy and Pintrest to find on that matched the vision in my head.  I have all the decorations planned and goody bag contents decided - now just finding time to get it all done by the 16th!

Year 2 of Alex has been an amazing adventure.  I am daily amazed by the things that come out of his mouth - in a good way - the things, concepts, songs, memories that he recounts astound me.  He's such a little sponge.  I don't want to forget all that he is in this very moment (hence why I'm writing this down).  His love of books makes my heart sing.  I have always loved books, was an English major in college, enjoy writing (can you tell?).  Each night, after bath and pajamas, we read a book before bedtime.  When I finish reading the last page he responses.... "one  more  time" - pausing between each word for more emphasis.  This is followed by "please Mom, one  more  time".  So yes, we usually read the book at least twice that night - and I wouldn't have it any other way!

One last thing for today - I got the most exciting email - my person for 2014 Mug Swap!!!  It's an awesome annual tradition hosted by Cuppa Kim - - this is my 1st year participating and I am so excited.  I can't wait to go pick out the mug for my person!!!

And because pictures are just plain fun, here are some recent ones of Alex in all his almost 3 year old glory:

Anna & Elsa from Frozen visited the "At The Movies" series at church

Checking out the 4 wheelers at the motorcycle store

Alex's Heaven - aka sandbox at Memom & Pop Pop's house

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Little hands

He was watching Mickey Mouse, standing next to me as I was sitting on the sofa. Out of nowhere he put his hand on my lap, patted my leg and rested his hand. His eyes never left the TV, in that moment he was just so happy to have Mama there with him, and in that moment I was so thankful for that chubby little hand asking be to stay a while. To be present in the moment, enjoy the weight of that little hand in my leg and marvel at this person my son has become. He's become my teacher, my hope, my reminder to enjoy the little things in life, my biggest fan, my little boy.